Give Meaning to Your Day by Setting Daily Intentions

setting daily intention

How often do you find yourself trying to implement that idea you had in your mind for a long time into your daily routine?

That long overdue promise you keep reminding yourself of every day. 

Well, it takes a rather considerate amount of determination on your part to will yourself into taking action. And taking action starts with an intention. 

Every great work begins with an idea, which becomes the intent, and it is the intention for a particular task that drives a person to act on it. 

Setting clear intentions is the main driving force behind fulfilling your deepest yearning and desire. They can be a daily practice or the state of being to identify your resolution for a day.

What Are Daily Intentions?

Daily intentions are the main intent that guides your day. 

A meaningful resolve that brings more attention and focuses to your life with immense well-being. 

Without setting them, your day wanders around the uneventful task and fulfilling distractions.

When you put your mind into achieving an intent,  you decide what will be your day’s guiding light of what you value the most. 

And what you value most becomes your motivation.

Like, if you wish for knowledge, you can aim to read more chapters of a book daily, and if you value your mental health, you will add at least one daily mindfulness move that encourages your mental well-being, like quitting criticism and being mindful while tasking. 

Simply put, intentions give your day a purpose. 

photo by uby-yanes on unsplash

Is Setting Daily Intention Necessary?

Wondering why you should bother with giving so much thought to setting daily intentions?

If you are considering, you can just decide that you want to achieve something, and it happens. Then you need to rethink because setting intentions is one practice that changes the entire picture. 

When you set an intention, it switches your brain pattern. It creates a positive neural pathway in your brain, which makes you more likely to attain your goal.   

In which emotion you invest your energy plays a major role in acquiring your target. 

Negative and self-doubt thinking will wire your brain in that practice, whereas a positive intention creates a shift in your brain. It empowers you to purposefully change the neural pathway, which makes you more adapted to fulfilling a task.

What Difference Does Setting the Right Intention Can Bring Into Your Day?

When morning gives you free rein, there is nothing that can go off the beat, right? Wrong. 

Morning is the time of your day when all the important decision-making takes place. Every morning you are given a choice. Let your day guide you or by setting intentions, you drive your day. 

It is a purposeful phase that directs you throughout your day and makes you choose where to spend your energy. Your thoughts and intent change the conclusion of your day. 

Setting intentions with positive energy results in positive aftermath. It makes you intentional toward that task, brings in more mindfulness, makes you centered, and fosters well-being and productivity. The list goes on.   

Such is the power of setting the right intention.

How Do You Set Daily Intentions?

The process of setting intention takes no more than a few moments. When you set them, always consider the outcome. It should always bring you value and well-being. 

You can’t decide to achieve something random you feel like. There should be a purpose behind every intention. It should be what you value the most. A thing that you yearn to achieve. The more strong and positive intentions you set, the more you become capable of completing them.    

For example, 

Based on your value and desire, you set your daily intentions. [accordingly] Here are a few positive intentions to nudge your day in the right direction. 

Health and Well-Being 

Today I will,

  • Eat more veggies and fruits 
  • Make my deeper self move 
  • Do more things I enjoy 
  • Acknowledge my emotions in a healthy way
  • Wish to make my routine mindful 
  • Plan to exercise and be more active  

Learning and Knowledge 


  • I will read more 
  • I will challenge myself with new tasks
  • I will make my day more organized
  • I will learn something new 

Mental Health and Building Resilience

Today I will,

  • Enjoy my own vibe 
  • Quit criticism and become more welcoming 
  • Indulge in mindful meditation  
  • Try spending time in nature 


Today I intent to,

  • Start listening to a self-improvement podcast 
  • Have a positive mindset
  • Put my needs above 



  • I will be more mindful while working. 
  • I will try different approaches 
  • I will build room for trust 



  • I will limit my digital device use and other distraction
  • I will tackle harder things first

Relationship and Love 

Today I will,

  • Spend more time with my family
  • Express my feelings more often     

How to Carry Through Your Daily Intentions

how to set intention

photo by jess-bailey on unsplash

1. Set Powerful Intentions

Your mind is daily occupied by negative emotions, home chores, random thoughts, and constant concern for work. In the midst of all these, you are most likely to forget about your set intentions. 

To give them your needed attention, you need to set powerful intentions.

Intentions set on your deepest wants tend to have a powerful impact on you. It keeps you motivated throughout the day and will not let you forget the reason behind them. 

2. Write Them Down

One important aspect while you work on your intentions is to write them. By writing them, you voice your desire and make them real. 

Writing them down makes them more realistic, and you can remember them easily because written things are more likely to be remembered than vocalizing them. 

3. Manifest Them

After you have acknowledged, and honored your intentions, let them get into motion.   

By manifesting them, you release them into the universe of infinite potentiality and tap into the vast possibility of turning them into existence.

The energy you put into them aligns with them to bring you the desired outcome. 

4. Work With Your Intentions

For your intention to be achieved, you need to work with them.

Different intentions need different approaches and mindsets. You have to understand who you have to be to fulfill your goals.  

Dig a little deeper to identify them. Compile actionable steps to line your intent with the task.

Without them, you are more likely to follow a course of action in a vain attempt to achieve your target. And you might end up piling up tasks on your to-do list, which makes you even more inclined to avoid them. 

5. Don’t Be Too Obsessed

Intentions are not always perfect. They can change and grow as your vision or goals change. 

Once you set an intention, it doesn’t get etched in stone. So there is no need to get obsessed with them working out. When things don’t turn out as expected, decide to change the course rather than jumping straight to a conclusion or being adamant about a situation.   

Instead of stressing, be calm and receptive to it. Your faith and belief rev up your energy and stir the deepest connection that helps attain them. 

6.Reflect on Them

 At the end of the day reflect on your set intentions. 

Ponder over them. 

Did they deliver the right outcome or changes you wished to have in your day? 

If yes, you have figured out the right way to fulfill them, and if not, try changing the course of setting them. 

There is always room for a learning curve. 

Give It a Shot

 Every day you are just one intention away from a purposeful day. 

When you start your day with a clear intent, it brings your focus and attention to that particular task. And this becomes your guide to a positive mindset to how and what will be your day about.  

You decide what task you will prioritize today, What are your objectives, and so on. Set them for weekly, monthly, or daily. It is up to you to choose your calling. 

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