Imagine this: you have made it through yet another day of nine-to-five hustle, your boss’s attempt to smother you with paperwork, and now you are finally home, lying on your bed, but wait! You are hunted by the ghost of tomorrow’s to-do list and can’t seem to summon up sleep.
Before you think about diving headfirst into your binge-watching abyss, consider the transformative power of an evening wind-down checklist. A wind-down checklist is not just for the ultra-organized or the zen-like folks, but for the ordinary people like you and me who sometimes need Google to remind us what day it is.
When we are finally home after a marathon workday, our mind often repeats the events of the past hours, the accomplishments, the stress, and the endless to-do list that seems to stretch into eternity. At this time, the importance of evening checklists comes to light.
It is not just a list of a series of tasks, but a way to smoothly transition, and remove yourself from your daily worries. It reminds us to draw the line between the day’s busyness and the time for ourselves and consider rituals that prepare for a peaceful evening.
So, when you finally slip between the cool sheets, you’ll find that these intentional and simple acts have set the stage for a deep and restful night ahead.
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Why Your Evening Needs a Wind-Down Checklist
As the evening draws near, our mind and body seek a gentle escape from our daily routines’ relentless cadence. At this moment an evening wind-down checklist acts as a road map to relaxation.
This checklist ensures that your pre-bedtime phase is spent in a way that helps you bring down stress levels, calms your body and mind, so that by the time you are ready to hit the hay, you will be completely zen.
Image credit to Camille Brodard on Unsplash
1. Improves Sleep Quality
Ever started one episode of any show at 8 PM and then, bam, It’s 2 AM. You have already missed your sleep window and are now wide awake and too emotionally invested in some fictional character drama to fall asleep.
When you have a wind-down checklist, it ensures that you won’t fall for the cliffhanger trap like this and keeps you engaged in activities that are designed to promote relaxation.
2. Taming Your Brain Routine
At bedtime, your brain is like a caffeinated hamster on a wheel. Without a routine, it keeps running ceaselessly–thinking about work, questions about your existence, and that unforgettable embarrassing thing you did in 6th grade.
A wind-down checklist helps you calm your mind through a series of comforting activities and gives your brain a peaceful distraction to settle down with.
3. The Zen Den Transformation
Your space should scream “I’m ready to relax!”
Your bedroom should exclude the vibe of a relaxing den and not a cluttered disaster zone. Having a wind-down checklist easily ensures that you always tidy up and create that sleep-inducing environment, and don’t end up tripping over a pile of laundry on your way to bed.
4. Therapy for Phone a Addict
When we are finally home, most of the time we are glued to the phone. Although it is okay to spend a little time on your phone, those glowing rectangles are a stress gremlin in disguise that can take over your entire evening. Keeping your phone close to bedtime can also mess with melatonin production, making it harder for you to fall asleep.
A relaxing evening routine makes you ditch the screen and swap the scroll for a good book or indulge in self-care time.
5. Your Personal Countdown
Having an evening wind-down checklist is like having your personal countdown to a perfect night’s sleep. It guides you through a series of relaxing steps and rituals, so when you lay in bed later at night, you can drift off easily instead of getting lost in ceiling thoughts.
The Ultimate Evening Wind-Down Checklist
Following are some of the array of practices you can perform in the early and late evening or as a bedtime routine to help you start relaxing your mind and body.
Early Evening Checklist
- Visit a garden or park to spend some time in nature.
- Try some gentle yoga poses to stretch and loosen up your body.
- Do some gentle cardio, a slow bike ride, or a treadmill walk.
- Try practicing Tai Chi – the gentle and repetitive moves can relax your body.
- Move your body to the rhythm of slow, relaxing music.
- Watch a feel-good movie or K-Drama.
- Plan your next trip or a staycation.
- Enjoy the process of making and eating comfort food.
- Make some time to do things you enjoy like knitting, painting, sketching, etc.
- Try calligraphy – the art of beautiful writing and engaging in creative expression can be stress relieving.
- Watch the sunset and appreciate the slow-changing hues in the sky.
- Make a vision board on your future goals and aspirations.
- Organize or look through your old photo albums – reminiscing on old times can be comforting.
- Make a list of your goals and dreams you wish to fulfill this year.
- Make a list of things you want to try once in your life.
- Make a bucket list of places you want to go and things you will try there.
- Make a playlist of relaxing songs and nature sounds.
- Play a board game with your family.
- Watch funny videos and clips – it is a great way to release tension.
- Play or learn to play any instrument that you like.
- Read a few wellness blogs and articles online.
Late Evening Wind-Down Checklist
- Put away your phone for the entire evening.
- Dive into a novel or a fiction book to relax your mind.
- Take a slow walk to enjoy the calm and fresh air of the evening.
- Jot dot your thoughts and feelings in the journal to free your mind from the burden of holding onto them.
- Write down three things you are grateful for.
- Write things you are thankful for on a slip of paper and add them to a gratitude jar.
- Repeat positive affirmations and phrases to yourself.
- Practice deep breathing exercises or guided meditation.
- Try a guided stretching video to relax.
- Practice reiki, an energy-healing technique to relax.
- Enjoy a hot cocoa in your favorite chair.
- Listen to an audiobook to enjoy reading without any effort.
- Enjoy the stargazing on a clear starry night.
- Prepare for the next day by making a to-do list and laying out your clothes.
- Tidy up around your space.
- Have a relaxed conversation with your friend or any family member.
- Listen to a self-improvement podcast.
Bedtime Relaxing Routine Checklist
- Ease into the night with soft, instrumental, calming music.
- Pamper your skin with an extended skincare routine.
- Take a relaxing warm bath by adding bath bombs, essential oils, or Epsom salt for added relaxation.
- Try self-massage and techniques to reduce tension in your muscles.
- Enjoy a foot soak or a foot massage – it can help you sleep better.
- Practice progressive muscle relaxation techniques to release strain from tensed muscles.
- Engage in evening prayers to connect yourself spiritually.
- Drink a soothing chamomile or peppermint tea that promises relaxation.
- Read inspirational quotes or a poetry book.
- Cuddle with your cat or dog – patting them can lower your stress levels.
- Sit by yourself and enjoy your own company.
- Read your children a storybook – its simplicity and nostalgic feelings of your childhood can be comforting.
- Create a calming ritual for your evening routine.
- Create a calming atmosphere with the soft glow of candles.
- Prepare your bed – change into a clean sheet and spray lavender mist on the pillow.
Give it a Try
Making an evening wind-down checklist a part of your evening routine can help you eliminate the stress that has been accumulated throughout the day, and help you create a headway of bliss where you can unwind in a way that can nourish your mind and body.