How Self-Care Journaling Can Serve as Wellness Therapy

Self-care journaling as a therapy

Have you ever tried journaling as a self-care ritual? If not, then you are leaving out a simplest form of self-care practice that can make your wellness thrive.

There are many forms of journaling like, daily journaling, gratitude journaling, and travel journaling but self-care journaling works up to its name. It is the simplest practice that gives you a channel to bring in more positivity, better mental health, and nurtured soul. 

The whole point of self-care journaling is to provide a ritual that digs deeper into your wellness and makes you thrive in all aspects. 

 What is a Self-Care Journal?

Self-care journaling is a practice where you give a little time of your day to nurture your wellness. 

It is not just about writing your daily routine or spilling your guts once in a while. Instead, it works with a deeper intention. While it does make you feel better after dumping your thoughts and emotions rather than bottling them up, a self-care journal serves us differently. 

A self-care journal focuses on providing you with a space where you can address your overall wellness by reflecting on your beliefs and setting intentions to make your day purposeful. 

It is a simple and effective initiative to turn to a positive mindset and give your day meaning.     

self-care journaling for wellness

Image by lilartsy-P on unsplash

Journaling as a Self-Care Therapy

I started journaling when I was in my sophomore year. As a teenager, it has always been something to let off steam, about writing down my feelings and confession. 

Even though I had to be more careful about confessing my deepest darkest secrets. The thought of anyone reading it was too frightening at that time. But as I grew older, my intentions changed. 

Journaling evolved into more deeper and mindfulness practice, and I started to seek more meaningful sessions and outcomes.  

Now I find myself filling my journal with more positive things. Instead of just writing about my daily chores, I started to write about my mental wellness and self-improvement. It shifted my focus and my thinking in a way like never before. 

That’s the power of self-care journaling. You start to seek more positive things like prioritizing yourself, putting the initiative to make your day better, and reflecting on things in a whole new way.

1. Challenges Your Thinking 

It is easier to journal once in a while about the random stuff of your day. But after you start journaling for self-care, it really changes the whole purpose. 

To make meaningful changes in your day it challenges you to go deeper. 

Every day you have to dive deeper into your beliefs and have to bring out valuable and positive gratitude that would significantly make an impact on you. 

For me, it was the most challenging and unraveling act. It made me reflect on my feelings and actions in an out-of-the-way manner. 

2. Gives You a Safe Outlet

 Self-care journaling does help you vent in an old fashion way. 

Other than writing about your goals and intentions, you can let your emotions flow freely. 

This is something you are not doing for anyone but yourself. It is completely private, and there isn’t any pretense. So, you can scribble away your true and raw feelings.

self-care practice for mental health

image by marissa grootes on unsplash

3. Improves Your Mental Wellness

Keeping your emotions boxed up leads to stress, and anxiety, and if left unattended for a long time, it can make you depressed.

Journaling is considered the healthiest way to express yourself when things are overwhelming. Writing about your fears, their root cause and acknowledging your concern can make your way easier toward your mental wellness.

It can boost confidence in yourself, encourage a positive mindset, and help you grow as a person. 

4. Makes You More Mindful

Mindfulness is a practice that requires you to be more focused and turn to your inner self. And a self-care journal makes you do the same. 

Journaling is the most simplest, and rewarding self-care practice you can do to practice mindfulness. 

Writing intentionally in your journal about positive affirmations, what you are really grateful for today, and reflecting on them makes it a mindfulness practice that can bring more wellness and positivity to your life. 

5. Set the Tone of Your Day

Involving a self-care journal in your morning rituals is the one practice that can change your day’s outcome. 

Starting your day with positive affirmation and setting daily intentions can become your guiding light. Like, ‘Today I will refrain from drinking more than two cups of coffee’ or ‘ I will quit criticism for the whole day’. 

A right intention that resonates with your well-being changes the way you approach your day. This can help you take a positive turn and thrive in all aspects. 

Initiating Journaling in Your Self-Care Rituals

Self-care journaling as daily rituals

Self-care journaling is the most effective and low-cost practice that you can do anywhere.

To incorporate a habit of self-care journaling into your everyday routine, you need to choose a time that makes the most impact.

Whether you start your day by taking a few minutes to decide the daily purpose that will have a stronger influence on you or at the end of the day reflect. Just by giving a few moments, you can make a significant impact on your overall well-being.  

First Thing in the Morning 

I know writing a journal in the morning might sound a bit daunting to a few people. You have your daily chores to complete, work emails to answer, and many more things to deal with. But it is a practice that is included in many successful people’s morning rituals for a reason. 

Self-care journaling in the morning makes your day clear and gives you priority rather than just wandering through your day. A single best practice to make your well-being flourish. 

Write a positive affirmation that will keep you positive throughout the day. Like, ‘Today I am going to live to my fullest potential’. 

Decide two or three main intentions for the day. Like, ‘I intend to make my morning less stressful’, or ‘ I will make a good hearty meal for myself’. 

By keeping your best interest at heart, you create a thoughtful path that will make your well-being flourish. 

Before Going to Bed 

When you are in bed and your whole day replays back in your mind, Ask yourself- did your day go the way you planned? Did you follow through with your intentions and let affirmation guide you? 

Write it down. 

Write down which moment stands out to you today and what you were grateful for. 

In Sum

Wrecking your mind first thing in the morning to pull out positive affirmations or dwelling on your day isn’t that fun, but prioritizing self-care is the least you can do for your wellness.