3 Easy Mindfulness Practices to Incorporate into Your Day

You might have heard of many benefits of mindfulness. And might be wondering about giving it a shot to know what’s the hype. 

Though you are not sure where to start, or you don’t have time for meditating for an hour, or you just don’t have it in you to sit still? 

But mindfulness is not only about meditating for hours like monks. It is much more than that. When mindfulness becomes part of your daily routine, your day becomes more meaningful. 

Mindful practice is a vast concept you can invite into every aspect of your day. You can bring it into your daily routine. From the time you wake up to the time you go to your bed can be mindful. That’s why mindfulness is the easiest practice to do. 

Easy Mindfulness Practices to Start Today

Following are some easy mindfulness practices. You can incorporate them into your everyday routine as you fit. These exercises are so simple that you won’t even notice that you are trying them. It will become second nature as you keep practicing. 

1. Indulge in Mindful Morning Activity

Begin mindfulness where you start your day.

Morning is the time of the day when you can set the right intent for your day.  

The quiet and peaceful hour of the morning allows you to perform mindfulness activities that can empower your mind and make you calm from the inside. 

A calm and peaceful core lets you create an empowering daily routine that boosts your productivity and mental resilience.  

To give a head start to your day, try to indulge in some easy mindfulness practices. 

Photo by priscilla-du-preez on unsplash

Wake Up Mindfully

Sat your alarm clock ringtone to a relaxed and peaceful sound rather than a screeching tone that makes you want to hit the snooze button immediately. 

So when every morning, your alarm goes off, you wake up with the sound of a relaxed tune.

Stay still in your bed for a few minutes. Take deep breaths and allow your senses to awaken. This easy mindfulness practice will surely rouse your mood instantly. 

Stretch Your Body

It is well known that stretching first thing in the morning is beneficial to your physical and mental health. 

But, when you combine mindfulness with stretches, it becomes more beneficial. 

With every stretch feel the tension and tightness releasing from your body. Make your moves slower to match your deep breathing. And feel yourself being prepared for the day ahead.

This exercise will enhance your focus and self-awareness. 

Make Your Bed Mindfully

Your crumbled and tossed-up bed doesn’t only make your room look unorganized, but it mirrors that mess in your mind also. 

When you make your bed, your mind seems occupied with absorbing pleasant details that improve your overall mood. 

While making the bed feel the lightness of the sheet when you spread it on the mattress. Observe the softness of your comforter as you tuck it in. Align all pillows in a way that pleases your eye. 

Try not to think about any of your schedules or stressful meetings. Think about positive affirmations to drive your mindset. 

Tend to your inner self by making your bed daily as a form of mindful meditation every morning.

Absorb Your Surrounding

Every morning when you sip your coffee, that simple action can be turned into easy mindfulness practice. 

Before rushing into your day‘s rate race, take a brief pause. Sit by yourself and absorb everything going around you. 

Feel the richness and warmth of your coffee. Listen to any natural sound, like the rustling of leaves or chirping of birds, and draw serenity from nature to you. 

2. Add Mindfulness to the Mundane Task

photo by jess-bailey on usplash

Your daily routine can be like a vicious cycle of endless tasks. Every day you wake up, go about your day, performing your daily chores. 

At some point, they can become meaningless and feel like a means to an end. 

Incorporating a few easy mindfulness rituals will breathe life into your aimless routines by making them more meaningful and challenging to perform. 

Home Chores

When you run to pick up groceries or your kids from school, try walking the distance if you can. Walk at a natural pace without hurrying. Be aware of your surroundings and your body. As mindfulness is all about being attuned to your senses. 

When cleaning your home or doing laundry, pay attention to the task at hand. Try not to let your mind wander away to the negativity of the task.  

Your home chores are something you are not looking forward to every morning. Adding mindfulness to them will not make them engrossing overnight, but it will sure make them effortless.

Eat Mindfully

Mindfulness is all about being intentional. When you eat, your whole attention should be on the food.

Like trying to savor the aroma and taste of your meal. 

Don’t rush into binge eating but chew your food thoroughly. Let mindfulness activate all your senses. 

This simple act will increase your satisfaction level, and make you enjoy your meal even more.

Self-Care Tasks

Self-care regime is a vital part of maintaining your overall well-being. 

Your daily self-care practices are taking shower, reading book, drinking plenty of water, or practicing gratitude. When blended with mindfulness, these rituals become more vigorous, which contributes to the increased wellness of your wholesome health.

3. Go to Bed With Mindfulness

As stress levels are increasing in individuals, sleeping problems are becoming more and more common in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. 

Inadequate sleep has caused many health conditions amongst individuals, such as insomnia, depression, fatigue, weight gain, and other mental health issues.

Practicing mindfulness moves will naturally reduce stress to some extent, which helps you relax and unwind after a long tiring day and helps you get better sleep. 

10 Minutes Guided Meditation

At the end of the day, when exhaustion sucks you in, all you want to do is sleep like a log, but 10 minutes of guided meditation is something you can practice every night. 

Even as little as 10 minutes of mindful meditation can bring a calming effect on your whole body. 

To perform this easy mindfulness move, find a quiet spot where you can settle in for meditation in your preferred position. 

First, start by calming yourself by taking a few deep breaths. When you meditate, your breathing starts to deepen, which helps relax your whole body and mind. 

Then try to focus on your senses. Don’t feel strained if your thoughts start to wander. Let them settle on their own. Be aware of even simple changes around you. 

This exercise will anchor your core to you and unleashes vitality. 

Disconnect From Technology

The continuous use of electronic devices has addicted people to their screens. Making it difficult to take out time for their health. 

Too much screen time can be stressful, and a simple solution to this is a digital detox.

A digital detox is an easy mindfulness practice of refraining from using any technology for a time being. 

At that moment, you can give all your attention to yourself. You can practice breathing exercises, relinquish in self-care rituals, or check in with your emotions.

Even just a simple act of staying idle can harbor many mindfulness benefits. 

Final Thoughts

Not all days are equal, some days you are dripping with life, and some days you have to muster all the energy in the universe to drag yourself out of the bed, let alone perform any mindfulness exercise. But even if you start with just one exercise, you will certainly notice a difference in how you perform your task and the energy you draw from them.